

Talk about your hotel

Use this text to share information about your hotel with your guests. Describe your rooms, share special offers, or share your latest news.

Descubra nuestras promociones. Experiencias Fin de Verano

Check-in . Reception of guests, accompaniment to the accommodation, delivery of keys and explanation of the stay. Part of digital travelers. Information about the environment and points of interest.

Housekeeping. A factor that we take care of to the maximum, offering impeccable cleaning throughout the accommodation. Bed linen and towels for the exclusive use of the guest.

Maintenance . Service specialized in urgent repairs and maintenance, having a contact telephone number with the technician of the maintenance company.

Holibai, Professional Tourist Rental Management

Holibai has been created to make it easier for you to become a successful host by offering you the necessary resources so that those homes that do not produce profits become a potential asset, offering them for rent with advanced marketing techniques. Being a member of Holibai allows you to make your property profitable in a safe, comfortable and efficient way. Our main objective is that both the owners who offer us their homes and the tenants who choose to come to them, see their expectations met. Managing and offering high-quality and comfortable tourist homes adapted to the demands and needs of the tenants is our goal, as well as being one of the benchmarks within the organization of the tourist rental market and the best option to stay in this privileged villa. sailor named Baiona.

Talk about your hotel

Use this text to share information about your hotel with your guests. Describe your rooms, share special offers, or share your latest news.

Check-in . Reception of guests, accompaniment to the accommodation, delivery of keys and explanation of the stay. Part of digital travelers. Information about the environment and points of interest.

Housekeeping. A factor that we take care of to the maximum, offering impeccable cleaning throughout the accommodation. Bed linen and towels for the exclusive use of the guest.

Maintenance . Service specialized in urgent repairs and maintenance, having a contact telephone number with the technician of the maintenance company.

Reasons to come to Baiona

Nature, gastronomy, culture, history, climate, activities and of course fantastic beaches for all tastes, with very good access, secluded, calm, open sea, therapeutic, with sand, with shells, with one characteristic in common: all of them , six in total, have an "excellent" rating . It is one of the reasons that make Baiona a highly demanded tourist destination, although not the only one.